Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Process

The process explained below shows the procedure and sequence for how the Indoor Air Quality Process gets implemented –

Following is the explanation for the steps for implementing Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Process:

Site Inspection for the Facility:

Step 01 -

Site Inspection consists of a visual audit of a site for identifying the critical points, factors like the area of the building, a number of floors and AHUs per floor, occupant density, etc are taken into consideration whilst making the sampling plan. This is the most important step as it builds the base for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Process.

Sample Collection by a Technical Person:

Step 03 -

Collection of air samples is done according to the sampling plan. Sampling agent who is trained and well informed of the technique takes care of the sampling process.

*NOTE: In IAQ Monitoring Process, the collection should be done by the trained personnel only. 

Preparation of a Sampling Plan:

Step 02 -

The sampling plan is prepared based on the observations made and design of the building. All the Critical points are covered and time and duration of the sampling plan are figured out.

Sampling should be done as per the plan:

Step 04 -

Exact sampling plan suggested must be followed, any changes in the plan can lead to errors in technical interpretation. There shouldn’t be any alteration with the supposed plan as it might even lead to improper analysis.

Analysis of Air Samples:

Step 05 -

This is an important part of the process. The samples are tested in the Laboratory and reading are taken as per the standards and the norms.

Reports of air samples:

Step 06 -

Reporting of the results is done with respect to the TAT followed. An overview of the observation is made at the end of the reports, this is to simplify and arrive at the fine conclusion about the air quality prevalent at the premises.

Viable Solutions for problems discovered:

Step 07 -

This is the final step of the Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Process. Necessary corrective and preventive actions are taken for any nonconformance’s observed. The Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Process is repeated again to check the efficiency of corrective and preventive measures taken.

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