FAQs about Indoor Air Quality:FAQ Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

These questions are intended to guide people who spend most of their time indoors in closed spaces at their home or workplace about indoor air quality (IAQ).

  • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) concerns with human health in closed indoor environment.
  • The quality of air indoors must be fit for human health and should not result in discomfort to the occupants.
  • IAQ is a major concern to businesses, building managers, tenants, and employees because it can impact the health, comfort, well being, and productivity of building occupants.
  • Most of us spend a great deal of our time indoors whether at home or at work.
  • The indoor air contains a number of gases and microorganisms (click here to know more about IAQ parameters).
  • Any uneven change i.e. increase or decrease in levels of these gases and microorganisms can result in unhealthy environment for occupants.
  • This can cause health problems to individuals and in some cases can be fatal. To ensure safety of occupants, care must be taken to maintain good IAQ.
  • Indoor air quality testing is measuring levels of different air pollutants in indoor environment.
  • IAQ testing must be periodically done to ensure safe and healthy, home and workplace environment.
  • These levels obtained by testing are then compared with prescribed standards and corrective action is taken for non-conformance to the standards.
  • Indoor air quality depends on a lot of factors for example, location, quality of outside air, number of occupants etc.
  • For safety of the occupants and maintaining both physical and mental capability at work, indoor air quality testing and maintenance at prescribed standards is required.
  • It is suggested to periodically check indoor air quality in all premises in which most of the time is spent.
  • To know whether you require indoor air quality testing and how often, take our FREE Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) assessment test.
  • There are various prescribed standards by different organizations internationally like OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration), NIOSH (National Institute of occupational safety and Health) and ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air conditioning Engineers).
  • These standards provide guidelines on building and ventilation designs for health and safety of occupants as well as levels of various indoor air pollutants deemed safe for human health.
  • To know more about these standards, click here.
  • Download IAQ Resources or Request for Free Consultation

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