Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Why you should have an Indoor Air Quality Assessment ?

These days due to the large number of complex buildings and isolated infrastructure, a wide range of working conditions exist. The quality of indoor air within corporate buildings should facilitate employees to work safely at all times. However, there are rare circumstances where workplace indoor air hazards, such as elevated particulates (dust, dander, and allergens), volatile chemical vapors, vehicle emissions, and/or mold may enter workplace air. EHS (i.e. Environment Health and Safety) personnel have the responsibility to conduct indoor air quality monitoring for the workplace. this indoor air quality monitoring is done to detect harmful compounds in indoor air. This is done to evaluate breathing air quality within a building and ensure compliance with requirements of standards and authorities like ASHRAE, OSHA and NIOSH.

Air Quality Consultants provides Indoor Air Quality Assessment for corporate buildings is necessary when the quality of indoor air is thought to be the cause of health problems for occupants or employees.

Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Procedure of  IAQ Assessment :

Step 1: First of all, concerned person on behalf of facility management approaches a consultant/company for assessing their  Indoor Air Quality Problems.

Step 2: After discussion, inspection of affected facility is done.

Step 3: A sampling plan for the particular facility is prepared by the consultant or test provider.

Step 4: After approval from the facility management, air sample collection or testing is done on the site .

Step 5: Reports after analysis of air samples are provided by the indoor air quality assessment consultants along with possible solutions. Root cause analysis is generally used to provide viable solutions to improve the Indoor Air Quality and thereby perform valid Indoor Air Quality Assessment.

Step 6: Generally, the levels of corrosive and harmful gases like SO2, NO2,CO, Ammonia, RSPM, PM2.5 and PM10 are identified by the testing.

Step 7: Thus, Indoor Air Quality Assessment Process is completed.
Periodic  Indoor Air Quality Assessment is essential for complex Corporate facilities where infrastructure is uneven and congested.

Click here, to know about Indoor Air Quality Standards.


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